Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Nino Brown Story - Lil Wayne Edition (2008) - Macallee King

In this raw biographical documentary, the rough-and-tumble rise to power of rapper Lil' Wayne is given the Nino Brown treatment--a hardboiled form of hip-hop storytelling named after Wesley Snipes's formidable druglord character from the film NEW JACK CITY.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

50 Cent's Shocking Slim-Down!..

Macallee King says, 50 Cent lost a lot of weight for his upcoming movie "Things Fall Apart". In the movie 50 Cent plays a football player diagnosed with cancer.
He dropped from 214 pounds to an astonishing 160 with a liquid diet and three-hour-a-day treadmill walks for nine weeks.

"I was starving." Now he's back on tour and says, "I've been eating. I'll be back in shape in no time!"

Friday, May 7, 2010

Creating Our New Reality

Creating Our New Reality
(All Thought is Creative)

"Creating" Problem Defined

Creating Your Own Reality

Creating Upside Down and Backward!

A Significant Event & the Thought Process

How to Create Positively - the "I Am" Command

Command "Timeframe's"

Believing and Knowing - What's the Difference?

Personal Power of Thought versus Group Meditation

Warnings about What "Does NOT Work!"

Closing Thoughts

"Creating" Problem Defined

Every thought that every person has, all the time, commands a creative change in their life's experience, and collectively, adds to the "collective conscious" change in humankind's ultimate reality.

The problem is, that most People don't realize that this is what they are doing, every time they THINK!

For example, have you ever:

Hoped a situation would get better?
Wished you were healthy?
Wanted to be happier?
Needed more money?
Tried to fix a problem?

The problem here, is that you may not have realized that you are commanding into your life, the experiences of hope, wish, want, need and try, and that such an experience, is the exact opposite, of what your were desiring/expecting.

For example, if you had "wished that you had more money," the Universal Creative Light Energy, which grants us that experience, acknowledging us as being "free-to-create" Co-Creators, must remove "money" from your life, in order that you can be granted the experience, of what it is like to experience "wishing that you had more money!"

The little child Co-Creator, dying of starvation in Somalia or an where in the world, is probably thinking - "all I want is something to eat!" The experience of "food" is NOT what they are going to experience, as
he or she didn't command "food," rather he commanded the experience of what it would be like to "want food!" When he ultimately dies of starvation, was there anyone telling him, that he commanded that experience, as a Co-Creator?

A Creator never “tries" to do or create anything, - a Creator simply "Creates!"

Think of something that you know you do very well, and imagine someone asking you to perform that task again? Do you "try" to do it, or do you just "do it?"

Now do you understand our problem, our challenge?

How many of the 8+ billion People of Earth, every day, incorporate hoping, wishing, wanting, needing and trying into their thought-creative process?

What most People do not realize, is that their creative thoughts ARE being granted to them and that is why our planet and species is in the mess it is in today. We have unknowingly commanded it that way, and the experiences have been "granted unto us!"


Creating Your Own Reality

Have you ever had anyone tell you that "you create your own reality?" Have you noticed, that they often tell you this, when you least want to hear it? Annoying isn't it?

The interesting thing is, that in most cases, the person telling you this "truth," often doesn't understand themselves the significance of their statement?

Imagine yourself in a situation or experience which you "do not like." Is it possible that your thought process at that time, may have been to "want that experience to stop?"

Here is the problem demonstrated once again.

Again you have commanded an experience of "want!" At this point you will have then found your situation either continuing unchanged, or worsening, because you actually commanded it into your reality!

So you see, your friend was actually right - you do always "CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY!"

You should be commanding the Universe "what it is that you are being, and not what it is that you want!"

You are not a human being; rather you are a spiritual being that is currently commanding the experience of being "human!"

When you are in a situation that you do not like - THINK AGAIN, and CHANGE YOUR REALITY!

Creating Upside Down and Backward!

At this point in evolutionary time, most of us are creating upside down and backwards!

For example, we all are going to work and earn money, then we spend the money on something that makes us happy.

It is not until this last "creating happiness" stage, that the Universal Creative Light Energy became aware that the experience we were commanding was "happiness!"

Had you commanded the experience of "happiness" in the first place, then working for money would not have been necessary, in order to have achieved this "happiness" state of being!

For those of you that approach life from a "religious" point of view, you may remember the scriptures that said "Don't pray for want. Give thanks for abundance!"

"Pray" means, in our modern day terms, "Think."

What was meant in those scriptures, was a warning, that to use our creative thought ability, to command/pray for "want," would do nothing other than grant the experience of "want" into our lives.

As for "abundance," rest assured "there is enough for everyone!"

Even 2,000 years ago, we were asking why everything in our lives appeared to be going wrong!

"Life is a Process of Creation- so, if you don't like what you've created, THINK AGAIN!"

A Significant Event & the Thought Process

Think of a significant past event in your life, - it doesn't matter whether the event was a pleasant or unpleasant event, for the purpose of this example.

Did the final outcome of that event match any thought process that you may have had prior to, or during your Creation of that Reality?

You will soon realize that this was why the event happened the way it did, - you "thought" it into reality.

If there is something you choose to experience in your life
- do not "want it"
- simply "choose it!"

How to Create Positively - and the "I Am" Command

The two most powerful commands in a Co-Creator's vocabulary are:

"I Am" and "I Command"

Keep in mind, that it is impossible to tell a lie to your own mind.

For example, if you are not a wealthy person, a Creative command such as "I am a wealthy person," cancels out, as an ineffective command, because your mind knows that the experience of "wealth" is not an experience that is part of your current reality!

The "I Am" command is used whenever you choose an existing "pleasant" experience to remain in place.

However, the "I Command" command, is used whenever you are commanding a "new" experience into your life.

For example, to command "money" into your life, an appropriate command would be:

"I command wealth into my life now", because "I am prudent," "I am clever," "I am good at business," "I am a responsible person," "I know how to handle money effectively" etc.

Command "Timeframe's"

Part of a successful, unambiguous "experience command," requires you to be aware of the new experiences to-be-implemented "timeframe."

Thought expressions that include phrases such as :

going to
will be
some day
in the near future
when it's supposed to be
if it's meant to be

all cause an experience commanded, to "never" eventuate, because the command given, has on "open-ended time frame" associated with it. The "time frame" of an experience is part of the actual definition of the experience being "commanded into reality."

For example, if I said that "I am going to start a successful business," then the successfulness experience of that venture will never eventuate, because of the words "going to."

What's wrong with using the powerful time frame word of "NOW?"

You may even command specific dates to different stages of your experience creation:

"My new business will have reached $1,000,000 sales by 31st December," "I will have 50+ staff employed by 31st March," "I will be a marketing force to be reckoned with by 30th June," etc.

"All thought is Creative - what you say, is not necessarily so!"

You are in every moment deciding "Who you are!" There is no limit as to what you can become. All matter is "mind" materialized. You are pure spirit, trapped in a body! You are pure energy. As a matter of fact, "The body is the greatest handicap that the mind has to work with!"

Famous scientists of our past such as Einstein found that "energy can never be destroyed," and for that reason "the human spirit is infinite" An eternal.

Believing and Knowing - What's the Difference?

It is important for you to know the significant difference between the two words "believe" and "know." for what most people do not appreciate is that these two words are opposites!
Definitions - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

"BELIE" - [1a] to give a false impression of [1b] to present an appearance not in agreement with [2a] to show (something) to be false or wrong [2b] to run counter to

"BELIEVE" - [1a(1)] to have a firm religious faith, to consider to be true or honest [1b] to accept as true, genuine, or real, [1a(2)] to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something [1a(3)] to hold an opinion

"KNOW" - [1a(1)] to perceive directly: have direct cognition of [1a(2)] to have understanding of [1a(3)] to recognize the nature of [1b(1)] to recognize as being the same as something previously known [1b(2)] to be acquainted or familiar with [1b(3)] to have experience of [2a] to be aware of the truth or factuality of, [2b] to have a practical understanding of

It is imperative that you understand that "BELIEVE" and "KNOW" are opposite in meaning. If you "BELIEVE" that something is true, it is because you do not as yet "KNOW" it to be true. Conversely, if you "KNOW" something to be true, you are no longer in a state of wondering whether to "BELIEVE" it or not.

Now look at the construction of the word "BE-LIE-VE" in conjunction with the meaning of the word "BE-LIE" above. Keep this thought in mind and look at the first definition of "BELIEVE," where it says "to have a firm religious faith," and then ask yourself the question - "why are all religions referred to as religious be-lie-fs?" Have you ever been asked "what is your religious be-lie-f?"

Yes, that's right, we've all been tricked once again by the Dark Agenda into be-lie-fs that we are anything other than who and what we are truly capable.

We are all Co-Creators of unconditional love, capable of creating any experience into existence, by our POWER of THOUGHT! .Jesus’ “Greater than this you can do” , as he showed Peter how to walk on water of false condition.

None of what I tell you in this section will work, if you be-lie-ve that your "creative thought" will work. Your power of "creative thought" ONLY works when you KNOW that it works!
To BELIEVE is to accept another's truth
To KNOW is your own CREATION
Remember, the scared saying, says words to the effect, "as you go forth and create, imagine that what you desire is already in place, and it will be granted unto you before your very thought process is complete!" and "Cast the mountains into the sea, and watch them go forth!" KNOW, and don't just BE-LIE-VE, that you can do it, and it will work for you forever!

Personal Power of Thought versus Group Meditation

while it is a very powerful process to get as many People as possible concentrating on a common thought at a particular time.
The Challenge

Let us face the realities of life:

1. People in general are lazy by nature, and can't be bothered working out what the common time frame is that they should meditate to be in line with others elsewhere in the world

2. Those in substantially different time zone equivalents are often not prepared to get up in perhaps the early hours of the morning to coordinate their efforts with those that are in a more reasonable or convenient time frame.

The Powerful Alternative

Do not coordinate your creative thought efforts with others, rather, you should be thinking your positive creative thoughts at every moment that you have time to do so.
Closing Thoughts

It is not our responsibility to "create" destruction, rather it is our job to "CREATE OUR NEW REALITY."

If at the same time you are "CREATING OUR NEW REALITY," then the effective creative energy at least doubles in power and ultimate effectiveness.

Most People think they understand Karma (the effect), but very few can tell you what Kerma is (the cause).

If you apply your creative thought process powers correctly, you will cause (Kerma), the desired effect (Karma), and we will then all enjoy OUR NEW REALITY, for we will then KNOW how every time, by positive thought, how we can now take our planet into its GOLDEN YEARS.

One of the many jobs that I chose to do in this incarnation on Earth was to remind fellow Humans how their creative thought process works.

What I have shown you above, is the ONLY WAY THAT IT WORKS!

You should all know from your personal experience, that what you have been thinking in past and current incarnations, "has never worked for you as you had expected!"

If you choose to change your reality, and then simply change your thought about it, and when you once again become proficient in executing your powerful thought process, you will again be Co-Creators, capable of changing your reality instantly!

There is nothing faster than the speed of thought - it is instantaneous!

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience"

or put in the context of the above text:

"we are not human beings; rather we are commanding the experience of being human!"

As Co-Creators, we have remembered, "HOW TO CREATE OUR NEW REALITY"
Simply, powerful, appropriately strategic and powerfully effective.

By Rich King & Macallee King

Friday, April 16, 2010

Macallee King Lamborghini Embolado Concept

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Andrei Avarvarii, a student getting his Master’s degree at Milan’s Scuola Politecnica di Design, designed this tasty electric Lamborghini concept.

This project took place under the supervision of Filippo Perini, the head of design from Lamborghini and it represents a possible future electric vehicle.

The electric Lamborghini is equipped with 4 asynchronous motors that divide power 70% to the rear and 30% to the front axle.

Electricity is supplied by a Li-Tec flatcell battery pack located in the rear doubled by a KERS system in the front.

In a bold departure from traditional Lamborghinis, the designer uses the space left by the absence of a V12 engine for a third passenger in back.

And while the driver’s door would be normal, the passenger side’s would be bigger to provide access to the back seat.

In the exterior, this unusual layout is communicated by the use of the narrow rear window that is shaped in order to improve interior lighting and head room for the rear occupant.

It is a matter of an incredible car, that complies with all the expectations of an anxious and powerful Italian model of Lamborghini that always surprises for its versatility and figure highly stylized, in this occasion there will be that to be forgot of the Elegant, Bats or any another subversion as the Nera or Superleggera, at last they have sat head and taken the place that corresponds them in the car manufacturing of highly level, the Lamborghini Embolado Concept is the last thing that passes for the mind of the Italians.

It does little time was announced the exit of the Lamborghini Reventón, model that would have production limited and that otherwise was found absolutely sold, rare situation considering that its value was very high, but perhaps now with the Lamborghini Embolado would be able to change the things and that really be a car of the commercial cut of the Elegant one, Bat or the GOD in its moment, for which one must be happy Initiative that has been taken and that for enough had been abandoned.

The Lamborghini Embolado Concept is exactly a concept that has had existence thanks to a student of Italian Design, light up Serafini who has been able to create this work of art that stands out for where they look at him, although by virtue of being a concept has certain details that could be better worked, as for example the façade that of some way delivers an aggressive appearance neglecting the appearance and the size of The foci, point that has always been very strong in the Italians of Lamborghini.

It will be worth while to emphasize the fact that one of the triumphs of the New Concept Lamborghini Embolado is exactly the had just its incredible design, therefore they have known to appreciate the experience of an omnipotent one Lamborghini Reventón that is inspired in the models of airships “Stealth”. In this look, the Italians decide apparently to give a different conception, and the fact is that this car has air to be but “popular” as for its commercialization that the exclusiveness with which was carried out the launch and almost nonexistent commercialization of the model commented previously, all which is always and will be positive for the automobile park. On the other hand, as already itself wise of the test of an Elegant one with eight-cylinder engine, is possible that implement different versions of this New one Lamborghini Embolado Concept that without place to doubts hypnotizes with each expansion of bodywork in the somewhat special, subsequent part that signifies the beginning of a was but dynamics in the Lamborghini.

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Inside a Russian Billionaire's $300 Million Yacht

BARBADOS—At the top of a spiral staircase lined with scalloped, silver-leaf walls (the banister cost $60,000) is a door accessible by a fingerprint security system. It opens to an all-white, 2,583-square-foot master suite wrapped in bomb-proof, 44-milimeter glass. There, a king-sized bed sits on a giant platter that rotates with the press of a silver button. Another set of buttons rotates the bed itself. The combination of the rotating bed and the rotating platter allows limitless angles for watching the sunset, sunrise or the 60-inch plasma TV, which retracts from the ceiling.

Designed by Philippe Starck, the "A" has quickly become the most loved and loathed ship on the sea. WSJ's Robert Frank takes an exclusive tour of Andrey Melnichenko's 394-foot mega-yacht.

And of course, everything's afloat.

In the battle among Russia's billionaires for yacht supremacy, Roman Abramovich's upcoming 540-foot Eclipse may soon become the biggest, but Andrey Melnichenko's 394-foot "A" has become the most talked-about yacht on the seas.

With its radical shape—more sleek submarine than boxy pleasure boat—and reams of custom parts and finishes (including bath knobs costing $40,000 apiece), "A" is a conspicuous marker of an ocean-going plutocracy that's largely been untouched by the recession. The boat, designed by Philippe Starck and completed in mid-2008 for more than $300 million, has spawned a flotilla of copycats emulating its low-slung hull and design scheme. Numerous companies involved in its construction went bankrupt, done in by the novelty of the project and the level of customization required.

For all its fame, "A" remains a bit mysterious. Its owner, a 38-year-old banking, steel and fertilizer czar, is intensely private and requires all his construction crew and staff to sign strict confidentiality agreements (he declined comment for this article). He and his wife only rarely entertain on board, and few public images of the boat's interior exist.

Dirk Kloosterman, "A"'s project manager and a veteran of the world's largest yachts, recently provided an exclusive tour of the boat's 23,600 square feet of living space.

The boat's interior departs dramatically from most conventions of yacht design. Instead of the usual overstuffed couches and mahogany walls, there are Baccarat-crystal tables, shiny white finishes and polished silver, a kind of Manhattan-loft-meets-Vegas aesthetic. Many of the rooms have floor-to-ceiling mirrors, which Mr. Starck says have a built-in "mathematical beauty" that also refer to the "mathematical genius" of Mr. Melnichenko.

The walls of one room are covered in white sting-ray hides, while another is covered in hand-stitched calf's leather. The main deck features two Michel Haillard chairs made from alligator hides and Kudo horns. Known for his mischievous streak, Mr. Starck outfitted "A" with risqué touches like the suite dubbed the "nookie room" by the crew, with its white circular bed with padded walls and a ceiling-mounted TV.

Mr. Starck says that while most megayachts are "vulgar" statements of wealth and power, "A" was designed to be in harmony with the sea and nature. "This boat has elegance and intelligence, it is not trying to show the money," he adds.

As with many Russian-owned yachts, "A" is highly secure. Its rounded exterior and knife-like hull make it difficult for intruders to board. It has 44 security cameras and more than a dozen exterior cameras fitted with motion-detection systems and a night-vision infrared system.

It is also designed to outrun threats: Twin, high-speed diesel engines deliver 24,000 horsepower and push the 5,959-gross-ton ship to 24 knots, roughly a third faster than most boats its size. The boat, which is stabilized by fiber-optic gyroscopes and four giant motorized flaps, is rumored to also be equipped with a pod-like escape system, but the staff declined to comment.

A transom door in the rear of the boat, which swings with open to become a swim deck, is fitted with so many hydraulics, locking pins, rotating stairs and electronics that it cost around $25 million to build. The company that made it eventually went bankrupt, along with the company that made the bomb-proof wrap-around glass encasing the master suite and the company that built the hydraulic gangways. The ship's two main landing boats are mini-yachts themselves, stretching to 36 feet, boasting plush interiors and costing more than $1 million each.

There's little sign that the billionaire boat boom is ending. The recession has certainly hit the "middle-class" yacht market, as banks cut back on boat loans and mere millionaires struggle to rebuild their fortunes. Orders for boats of more than 80 feet fell to 753 last year from 992 in 2008, according to Showboats International magazine. Yet orders for superyachts, or those more than 250 feet, were actually up more than 20% in 2009, according to Showboats.

Guillaume Plisson
'A' has an unusual, swoopy design, a low-slung hull and twin engines that deliver 24,000 horsepower.

"A" has a crew of between 35 to 37 people, including stewards and stewardesses, mechanical engineers, security staff, housekeepers, deck hands, galley crew and chefs. The crew also has specialists for surfing, jet skiing, water skiing and cycling. All of the crew wear Starck-designed uniforms—crisp white dress shirts and white pants for daytime, and tight, black T-shirts and slacks for evening. The boat costs over $20 million a year to maintain; Filling the gas tank costs more than $500,000.

There are many discussion groups and forums about "A" online, with titles like "The Ugliest Yacht in the World" and "Should Philippe Starck Design Boats?" Debates can get heated: On the "Insider's Guide to St. Bart's"—a Web site frequented by vacationers on the upscale Caribbean island—dozens of "A" spotters tracked the boat's daily movements.

"That's pretty Cool!," wrote one St. Bart's vacationer. "Finally a real designer yacht!".

Added another: "Who would call their Yacht 'The A'? Seems like you're setting yourself up big time." ("A" stands for both Andrey and Aleksandra, Mr. Melnichenko's Serbian-born supermodel wife).

Some yacht designers and brokers describe "A" as too futuristic and aggressive for the leisurely world of yachting. "Initially I was very skeptical," says Jonathan Beckett, chief executive of London-based Burgess, the yacht broker. "When you just see photos, it's a very strange-looking boat. But when I saw it cruising in the Caribbean this year, I have to say I was impressed. It's a very exciting boat to watch. It's simply unlike anything that's ever been done before."

Crew members often joke about the Melnichenkos' penchant for the spontaneous, with frequent changes in itinerary or travel. The boat doesn't spend much time in any one port, since Mr. Melnichenko prefers to roam the seas for weeks at a time. Last year he spent several months in the Mediterranean; this year he's mainly in the Caribbean.

"The fun thing about working on 'A' is you never know what the next hour will bring," says Mr. Kloosterman, "A's" project manager. "This boat is all about the unexpected."

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Macallee King One Billion Dollars is stacked on 12 standard pallets, altogether 10 Million 100 USD Notes

Macallee King & Royal Family Presents The Most Expensive Piece Of Art Ever Made

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Michael Marcovici & Macallee King has created an artwork worth a billion dollars, out of a billion dollars.
In the words of the artist “One Billion Dollars is stacked on 12 standard pallets, altogether 10 Million 100 USD Notes. One Billion Dollar is not so much about what you see but what you could do or not do with the money. Besides this it is the most expensive piece of art ever made.”

The final product is nothing exceptional except that one can see real hard cash stacked up together in one place. According to Artbase, there is a strategy currently being employed to physically realise this project…

However Michael Marcovici points out that “actually no bank has this amount of cash, there are several cash handling facilities where the old money gets exchanged to new notes and where money from large retailers is handled, places like those have sufficient amounts of cash for such an action, the problem is just that it is expensive to do it because timing is very tight already in these places (and security too)…”

“for now its a concept and maybe it will stay one… thats fine, it was mainly to draw attention to the part that value and pricing plays in art and everything else…”

But again, to house such an expensive work of art, Safe Vault is the only option!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


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Watch The Full Movie Right Here

The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

Without exception, every human being has the ability to transform any weakness or suffering into strength, power, perfect peace, health, and abundance.


Watch The Full Movie Right Here

Macallee King's discovery of The Secret began with a glimpse of the truth through a 100 year old book ( the Science of Getting Rich ). he went back through centuries, tracing and uncovering a common truth that lay at the core of the most powerful philosophies, teachings and religions in the world.

What Macallee discovered is now captured in The Secret, a film that has been viewed by millions around the world. The Secret has also been released as an audio-book and printed book with more than 16 million copies in print in over 40 languages.

Macallee King reveals the natural law that is governing all lives. By applying the knowledge of this law, you can change every aspect of your life.

This is the secret to prosperity, health, relationships and happiness. This is the secret to life.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Macallee King 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene Audiobook
Current mood: awakened

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The Macallee King 50th Law by 50 Cent and Robert Greene Audiobook

The book is a follow-up to the book 48 Laws Of Power by Robert Greene, but this time he’s joined by 50 Cent to give his input on the new version.When Robert Greene published The 48 Laws of Power in 2000, a book that has sold over 800,000 copies, he had no idea the book would become a mega cult classic—and not just amongst business types. Indeed, managers, producers, and aspiring artists in the hip hop community embraced Greene’s tactics to survive and thrive in the cut throat music industry (tactics which are largely based on historical figures like Napoleon and Nietzsche).One such survivor who credits Greene’s work with his success is Curtis Jackson (aka 50 cent). 50, who was born in South Jamaica and started dealing crack at the age of 12, used the tactics in The 48 Laws to help him discern friend from foe, opportunity from opposition, and ultimately triumph in a dog eat dog industry. In 2008, 50 was named by Forbes magazine as the #1 earning Hip Hop Cash King.But the single most defining moment in 50’s life, he says, is when he completely let go of his fear.Fear nothing, and you shall succeed. This is the basic tenant of a groundbreaking collaboration between 50 and Greene which includes intimate stories from 50’s life on the streets and in the boardroom, as well as examples of others who have overcome adversity through understanding and practicing The 50th Law. At turns hard-nosed and deeply inspirational, this is a book for entrepreneurs as well as anyone interested in the extraordinary life of Curtis Jackson.The 48 Laws of Power offer maneuvers for the chess game of life; The 50th Law gives you the courage to sit down at the table

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